

Move On

The idea of the song came to me when I was walking towards my work and thinking about my best friend – Nastya Beyzer. I suddenly remebered her sharing her fears and uncertainties about life she was going through along with the song by John Hiatt “Have a Little Faith in Me” we used to listen to together. I had a perfect combination of the inspiration and musical basement to come up with an idea of the song – something about moving on no matter what is going on. Because she was the source of inspiration, I decided to release the song on her birthday – December, 6th.



Have you ever experienced the situation when you have read a book or watched a movie, you have an idea to make a continuation? When I watched my favourite TV series “Lost” and read through some fan interpretations of the subject, I found some of them more interesting than the movie’s plot. I wondered why not use them in the production of the next series? It seems like fan art is usually not so interesting to the authors. Or not?


Protesting Russia’s Warfare

I wish I could stop this war,
But I can’t – it’s against the law
That I never accepted. Power’s
Got over me. Kremlin’s towers
Are covered in blood, they lure
All the demons that were obscure.
How can I now imagine the future
Of loved peace that is being tortured?
Running off and hiding in awe
I pray God, escalate no more,
Don’t turn tables of negotiation,
Stick to the proper legislation,
Be the one I’ll be proud of,
Do not make the world hugely rough.
Let your eyes see and soul freshen –
No one wants to die in oppression.


We're Up All Night to Get Lucky!

There’s one thing about this song that makes it special: it is very catchy and upbeat! Maybe, it’s because of the guitar, or lyrics, or Pharrell’s vocals, or vocoders, or something else. No one would argue the song ain’t that good, otherwise it wouldn’t be one of the best-selling songs of all time according to Wikipedia.